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I’ve been categorizing my workshops as fun, but truly I am using that word sloppily. They are enjoyable for me and for those who join me. What does that mean? While fun is more about light pleasure and relaxation (and has its place), enjoyment adds to one’s psychic growth. Enjoyment feeds the soul, allows you to express your creativity, to be in flow and aligned with your life purpose. The work on flow by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi greatly influences my teaching and my life. The point of flow is dynamic, not static. It is something to strive for. It is the balance between boredom and excitement. Seeking and creating activities that are enjoyable is an indicator on flow.

You might recognize the point of flow as being “on point” when running a pentacle. And of standing in your authentic power, rather than your inflated or deflated power. We will work with these qualities in my upcoming workshop series, Working with Energy for Magic, Ritual, Activism…and Life. The first enjoyable (!) session will be about feeling the energy of flow in a ritual. In the next two sessions we will run pentacles and discover when we are being on- or off-point. And the fourth workshop we will decode the language of energy and note the particular ways (patterns) of energy flow, and how we might use these patterns to shape our work.

So come and enjoy! Here’s the descriptions and registration info.